Sunday, January 18, 2015

ELF Brush Pouch

Kali ini saya akan mereview tentang brush pouch dari ELF. Seberapa penting brush pouch untuk saya? Penting banget. Kalau pakai pouch make up biasa, bulu kuasnya bisa menekuk nggak karuan, terus kalau mau cari kuas tertentu jadi susah banget. Nah, kalau pakai pouch khusus brush, jadinya lebih rapi dan bisa kita tata berdasarkan kategori brushnya.
This time I will review about brush pouch from ELF. How important is brush pouch for me? So important. If you use regular makeup pouch, the brush's bristles can bend like crazy, then if you want to find a specific brush can be so hard. Well, if we are using brush pouch, it would be neater and we can arrange our brush according to the category of the brush itself.

Begini lah penampakkan dalamnya. Masing-masing bagian ada lima slot, jadi total keseluruhan ada 10 slot yang bisa diisi brush. 
Here is the inner side of the pouch. Each section there are five slots, so there are 10 slots for the total that can be filled by brush.

Bahannya 100% polyester.
It's made from 100% polyester.

Pouch ini bisa menampung kurang lebih 17 kuas saya. FYI, kuas yang paling tebal pegangannya adalah powder brush dari The Body Shop dan yang paling panjang adalah kuas Masami Shouko yang panjangnya 16cm.
This pouch can be filled by my brushes (total 17 brushes). FYI, brush that has the thickest holder is powder brush from The Body Shop and the longest is Masami Shouko that has 16 cms length.

Harganya saya lupa, tapi seingat saya cukup terjangkau.
I forget about the price, but as I remember the price is quite affordable.


  • affordable
  • simple
  • fit all my brushes (total 17 brushes)


  • NONE :D

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